3rd Edition System


Rounding Fractions: In general, if you wind up with a fraction, round down, even if the fraction is one-half or larger. Exception: Certain rolls, such as damage and hit points, have a minimum of 1.

Multiplying: Sometimes a special rule makes you multiply a number or a die roll. As long as you’re applying a single multiplier, multiply the number normally. When two or more multipliers apply, however, combine them into a single multiple, with each extra multiple adding 1 less than its value to the first multiple. Thus, a double (x2) and a double (x2) applied to the same number results in a triple (x3, because 2 + 1 = 3).

Basic Task Resolution System: These rules assume a standardized system for determining the success or failure of any given task. That system is: d20 + Modifiers vs. Target Number

                The Modifiers and Target Number are determined by the type of task.

                If the result of the d20 roll + the Modifiers equals or exceeds the Target Number, the test is successful. Any other result is a failure.

                A "natural 20" on the die roll is not an automatic success. A "natural 1" on the die roll is not an automatic failure.



                A characters initiative is 1d20 plus any initiative bonus.  A character with the highest roll acts first.  This initiative remains the same for the entire combat encounter. 

                A character may delay their initiative but only by a maximum of –10.  After this point a delaying character loses the ability to act.  If there are multiple characters holding initiative that seek to act, the one with the highest starting initiative acts first.  When a character holds initiative, that initiative becomes their new initiative until they take the refocus action.

                A character begins combat flatfooted.  In a surprise round, a surprised party does not have the opportunity to roll initiative until the surprising party has had a chance to make partial actions.  A character that is flatfooted loses all advantage to AC from Dexterity, unless otherwise indicated.  Once the character has a chance to act, they are no longer considered flatfooted.



Standard Action

                Allows an action and full base movement in the course of a 6 second combat round


Aid Another                                         Break Item                                             Bull Rush

Cast a Spell (1 action time)                 Cast Defensively (1 action time)        Charge Attack

Counterspell                                         Disarm                                                    Dismount Enemy

Double Movement                               Fight Defensively                                Grapple and Garrote

Melee Attack                                        Overrun                                                 Ranged Attack

Ready Action                                       Shoot into Melee                                 Strike An Object

Strike A Weapon                                 Subdual Attack                                    Total Defense

Trip Attack                                            Turn and Rebuke Undead                  Unarmed Attack

Use Spell Completion Magic Item     Use Spell-like Ability                           Use Supernatural Ability


Full Round Action

                Uses the entire round and usually allows only a five foot step movement.


Cast a spell (full round time)              Cast Defensively (full round time)    Defensive Full Attack

Deliver Coup de Grace                        Full Attack                                            Multiple Weapons Attack

Refocus                                                 Run


Move Equivalent Action

                This action takes the place of movement in a standard action.


                Guide Mount



Free Action

                This is an action that takes little or no time and does not consume movement or other actions.  This includes the use of extraordinary abilities.


Partial Action

                Less than a standard action, one can accomplish as much as a standard action minus a move.


Attacks of Opportunity

                Do not use an action but are normally limited to one per round unless otherwise specified.


Actions Explained

Aid Another

                A character may aid another character in attacking or defending with a successful attack against AC: 10.  Aiding with an attack adds a +2 circumstance bonus to an attack.  Aiding with defense adds a +2 circumstance bonus to AC.


Break Item

                With a successful strength check vs. a variable DC, a Character can break something without depleting its HP.


Bull Rush

                A bull rush attack may be made as a charge or standard action.  All attacks of opportunity made against either the attacker or defender have a 25% chance to hit the wrong person.  Opposed strength checks are made with a +4 bonus for the attacker for every size larger or a –4 for every size smaller. A defender with more than two legs gets a +4 stability bonus.

                If you succeed the defender is moved back 5 feet.  If you move with the defender you can add 1 foot per point by which you exceed the defenders strength check.  You cannot push the subject back further than your base speed.  If you fail, you are stopped short of the subject.


Cast a Spell

                Casting a spell is discussed in the magic rules.  All spell casting provokes attacks of opportunity from all those that threaten the caster.


Cast Defensively

                On a successful concentration check DC=15+spell level, you can cast a spell without provoking an attack of opportunity.



                Move up to 2x base speed, attack at +2 to hit, -2 penalty to AC, one attack only.



                If a character has taken the ready action he can attempt a counterspell if an enemy caster begins casting.  He must make a Spellcraft check at DC=15+spell level,  If you succeed and can cast the same spell you can cast the spell as a counterspell and negate the enemy caster.  A Dispel Magic can also be used as a counterspell, but it doesn’t always work.


Defensive Full Attack

                A Full attack made while fighting defensively. Take a -4 penalty on all attacks for a +2 dodge bonus to AC.   


Deliver Coup de Grace

                This attack on a helpless defender automatically hits and inflicts a critical.  Even then the character must make a Fortitude save=DC 10 plus the damage dealt.  A rogue’s sneak attack damage applies.  The attacker is subject to attacks of opportunity from anyone that threatens them.



                A disarm attempt provokes an attack of opportunity.  Make opposed attack rolls with a bonus or penalty of 4 for every difference in size category and a +4 bonus to the defender if using a two handed weapon.  You gain a +4 circumstance bonus if you attempt a two handed disarm. If you succeed, the defender loses his weapon.  If you fail, the defender can then attempt to disarm you instead.  If you succeed at a disarm with an unarmed attack, you have the weapon in your hand.


Dismount Enemy

                This operates a trip attack which can be opposed by a ride check if desired.


Double Movement

                This is a standard action that allows the character to move 2x his base move in a round.


Fight Defensively

                -4 to hit, but you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC


Full Attack

                Allows you to make more than one attack in a round, use multiple weapons, or use a double weapon to attack multiple times.  No movement is possible if this action is chosen.  The decision to perform a Full Attack can be made after the first attack, if you have not yet taken any movement.


Grapple and Garrote

                A grapple check bonus is always equal to the base attack bonus + strength bonus + special size bonus.  This bonus is +0 for medium targets.  It increases by +4 for every size category larger, and is reduced by –4 for every size category smaller.  Each additional pair of arms adds a +4 to any grapple check.

                Starting a grapple requires a melee touch attack to grab hold.  This always provokes an attack of opportunity.  If successful, opposed grapple checks are made to get a hold.  If the grapple check is successful, you inflict normal unarmed attack damage.  If you lose, you fail to get a hold.  You cannot take a hold of a creature two or more size categories larger than you.  Once you have a hold you must move in which provokes attacks of opportunity from anyone that threatens you except the target of the grapple.  Anyone may join a grapple that is already underway with a successful melee touch attack.

                When grappling, you may make an opposed grapple check to inflict standard unarmed damage, pin, break a pin, or escape.  A pin last one round and all others gain a +4 bonus to attack a pinned character. Escape allows you to move away from the grapple. You can break a pin on another character with a successful grapple check.  You cannot escape if you are pinned.

                If you are not pinned you can attack with light weapons.  You can attempt to cast a spell with a 1 action casting time and no somatic components.  Spells that require precise actions always fail.  An escape artist check opposed by an opponents grapple check can break a pin or escape.  Anyone involved in a grapple can aid an ally in the grapple by using the aid another action.  This adds to the grapple check of the ally.  Up to four opponents of the same size can grapple an individual.  Opponents that are one size larger than their foe count as two opponents.  Two sizes larger count as four opponents. Smaller opponents count as a half.

                Individuals involved in a grapple cannot threaten attacks of opportunity and gain no advantage from dexterity to AC.

                A garrote attack provokes attacks of opportunity from the target of the attack.  If the attack of opportunity causes damage the garrote attack fails.  Next make a special melee touch attack on the victims head to place the garrote.  This means you cannot garrote a target of two or more size classes larger than yourself.  The target’s AC is based on their size and any special modifiers from the following table:


        Armor Type          AC modifier

        Natural Armor       Applies as normal

        Full Plate                +4 AC bonus

        Leather Collar       +4 AC bonus

        Gorget                    +10 AC bonus


                Next make a successful grapple attack using the normal grapple rules. If you succeed you begin strangling the victim for 1d6 or 1d8 damage (based on the garrote) plus strength modifier.  If you fail in this attack, the victim has slipped free and takes no damage.

                While using a garrote, you must move into the square of your opponent, and may provoke attacks of opportunity from others by so doing.  The garrote remains in place until you release the opponent or he escapes. He will take damage with each successful grapple attack, and if you have multiple attacks you may use them to inflict damage multiple times per round.  You can perform no other actions while garroting a victim.

                A victim may not cast any spells with verbal or somatic components.  They may use only a light weapon.  You may attempt to break a grapple on your turn using the standard grappling rules.  You may attempt to cut a garrote as well.  It has an AC=11, but gains a +10 AC bonus because it is buried in your neck making the AC=21.  Further, you suffer a -4 hit penalty to avoid hurting you own neck.  You cannot use the disarm maneuver against a person that has a garrote around your neck.


Guide Mount

                This move equivalent action must be made every round one is mounted in combat.  The DC is 5 for trained war mounts and 20 for mounts not trained in combat.  If you are near an opponent you can make an attack as well.  Attacking an opponent on foot gains the bonus for high ground, if the mount is larger than the target.  A Charge on horseback can inflict additional damage with certain weapons.

                You can use ranged weapons on a mount engaged in a double move at –4 to attack.  If the mount is running it is at –8 to hit.  You can execute the full attack action while the horse is moving, or take other move equivalent actions such as reload.


Melee Attack

                A melee attack is resolved by rolling 1d20 and adding the attack bonus.  This roll must exceed the AC of the target.  The attack bonus is modified by strength. A melee touch attack ignores armor, shield, and natural armor bonuses to AC.  A flanking character gains a +2 bonus to attack.

                A character’s strength modifier is applied to the damage of their melee attack.  If the weapon is a two-handed weapon, they add 1.5x the strength modifier.

                A character that has rolled the critical number for his weapon threatens a critical.  When a critical is threatened the attacker rolls a second to hit roll.  If that roll also indicates a hit, the attack is a critical and inflicts the additional damage indicated by the weapon entry.  If the first and second rolls are natural 20’s, regardless of the threat range, the character has threatened an instant kill.  A third roll that successfully hits causes an instant kill result.

                On a natural roll of 1, a character must make a Dexterity check (DC=10).  If he fails in this roll, he has fumbled.


Multiple Weapons Attack

                Using a second weapon adds an extra attack.  See two weapon fighting penalties.  The offhand weapon receives only one half the strength modifier to damage.



                An overrun is done as part of a charge attack.  You can only overrun an opponent no more than one size category larger.  The opponent may choose to block you or allow you to pass.  If blocking the overrun is handled as a trip attack.  If the trip is successful, you move past, if it fails and you are not tripped in turn, you are unable to pass.


Ranged Attack

                A ranged attack is resolved in the same manner as a melee attack, save that the dexterity bonus applies rather than the Strength bonus.  Ranged Touch attacks ignore armor, natural armor, and shield bonuses as well.  A ranged attack suffers a cumulative -2 modifier to hit for each range increment beyond the first.  A flanking character gains a +2 bonus to attack.

                A thrown weapon has a maximum range of five range increments.  A projectile weapon has a maximum range of ten range increments.  Improvised thrown weapons have a range of increment 10 feet.  Any such weapon is used at a -4 non-proficiency penalty.

                A character’s strength modifier is applied to the damage of any thrown weapon attack.  The strength penalty (if any) applies to the damage from attacks made with bows and slings.

                A character that has rolled the critical number for his weapon threatens a critical.  When a critical is threatened the attacker rolls a second to hit roll.  If that roll also indicates a hit, the attack is a critical and inflicts the additional damage indicated by the weapon entry.  If the first and second rolls are natural 20’s, regardless of the threat range, the character has threatened an instant kill.  A third roll that successfully hits causes an instant kill result.

                On a natural roll of 1, a character must make a Dexterity check (DC=10).  If he fails in this roll, he has fumbled.


Ready Action

                This action is a partial action that allows a character to delay initiative and complete the action at a specified point.  A fighter might move into position and ready an attack so that they can attack when the enemy closes.  An Archer might fire an arrow and then hold until all the other archers in his team have fired before moving forward.  Likewise, one might wait for a caster to start casting in hopes of damaging the caster and disrupting the spell.

                Should a character choose to not act when they had indicated they were acting, they must make a wisdom check (DC=15) to not take the action and continue holding.  Thus an archer that has readied his bow to fire at anyone coming around a corner must make this check if the opponent is a friend rather than a foe.



                This action uses the whole round, but when completed the character is considered to have an initiative of 20 plus any initiative bonus.



                Reloading can be move equivalent or full round actions, depending on the weapon.  Reloading always provokes attacks of opportunity.



                A full round action that allows you to move 3x or 4x your base movement, depending on load carried.  This full round action does not allow a 5-foot step.  You can run for Constitution number of rounds.  For every round thereafter you must make a constitution check at DC=10, with a cumulative increase of +1 to the DC for every round after the first check.  You must rest for 1 minute after running.


Shoot into Melee

                -4 to hit to avoid hitting allies, unless you have precise shot. If an ally is providing cover to an enemy the ally is hit if the target is missed by the amount of AC advantage the ally gives in the form of cover.


Strike An Object

                An object has an AC equal to 10 + its dexterity modifier (-5 for no dexterity) + its size modifier.  A Melee attack gains a +4 bonus to hit inanimate or immobile objects.  A full round action allows an automatic hit.  If an object is held or worn, attacking it provokes an attack of opportunity and gains a dexterity bonus equal to that of the creature that holds or wears it.  An object that is held in the hands has a further +5 AC bonus because it can be quickly moved out of harm’s way.

                An object is immune to critical hits and subdual damage. Ranged weapons inflict half damage to objects, as do acid fire, and lightning attacks.  Cold inflicts only quarter damage.  An object removes an amount of damage equal to its hardness from this modified damage amount before damage is applied to the object.

                An unattended object always fails its saving throw unless it is magical.  All unattended magical items make saves with a bonus of +2 plus one half the caster level.  Attended objects make saving throws as per the character that is holding or carrying it.


Strike A Weapon

                A character that wishes to strike an object must make an opposed attack roll a hit a higher AC than the defender.  The Defender is allowed an attack of opportunity on the attacker.  The weapon must be no more than one size category different in size from the weapon (or shield) in order to damage it.  An attack cannot harm a magical object with a higher enhancement bonus than the attacking weapon.


Subdual Attack

                A character may make a subdual attack with a weapon that is not designed for subdual damage by taking a –4 penalty to the attack roll.  A weapon made to inflict subdual damage can be made to inflict normal damage at the same penalty.


Total Defense

                This action allows the character to move his base movement rate and gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC.  No other activity can be done.


Trip Attack

                This is a melee touch attack.  If successful make a strength check opposed by the enemy’s dexterity or strength (whichever is better).  The same bonuses and penalties apply here as in a Bull Rush attack.  A tripped character is left prone.


Turn and Rebuke Undead

                A turn attempt always affects the closest undead first and can only effect undead within 60 feet.  Turning damage is 2d6+cleric level + charisma modifier.  This is the total HD of undead turned or rebuked.  Undead already turned do not count towards this total.

                A turned undead will flee for 10 combat rounds (1 minute) if it can.  If not, it cowers, giving a +2 attack bonus against them.  If you approach within 10 feet, they overcome the turn attempt and may act.  You may stand closer, but not approach them.  Others may approach them without breaking the turn.  You may employ ranged weapons against them as well.

                If you have twice as many levels as the undead has HD, you destroy any that you would normally turn.

                Rebuked undead cower in awe, as above.  An evil cleric can also command undead, exerting control as a standard action.  A cleric can only command undead whose total HD does not exceed the cleric’s level.  Such a cleric can command a single undead with more HD than he has level but must use a Full round action to do so.

                An Evil cleric can also dispel turning as well.  The turn check must exceed the original turn check and the evil cleric can only dispel turning on as many HD as he would be able to rebuke.  Additionally, an evil cleric can bolster undead by using his turning.  In this case, the Undead has an effective HD equal to the HD turned by the evil cleric’s check for 10 rounds (1 minute).


Unarmed Attack

                An unarmed attack provokes an attack of opportunity from an armed character unless otherwise specified.  Unarmed attacks inflict 1d3 damage for Medium size and 1d2 for small size.  All damage is subdual damage unless otherwise specified.  If you intend to inflict normal damage, you must attack with a –4 penalty to hit.


Use Spell Completion Magic Item

                This action is the same as Casting a Spell.  It can also be done defensively as per Casting Defensively.


Use Spell-like Ability

                This action is the same as casting a 0-level spell. It can also be done defensively as per Casting Defensively.


Use Supernatural Ability

                This action is a standard action that does not require a concentration check.


Armor Class

                The base AC for a medium-sized character or item is 10.


Dexterity Modifier: Apply a character's Dexterity modifier to the character's Armor Class any time that character can physically react to an attack. Characters lose their Dexterity modifier when they are flat-footed, unaware of an attacker, or when they are restrained or otherwise rendered immobile.


Size Modifier: A character's size generates a standard Armor Class modifier, per this table:


        Size                 AC Modifier                  Size                 AC Modifier         

        Fine                +8                                    Large              -1

        Diminutive     +4                                    Huge              -2

        Tiny                +2                                    Gargantuan   -4

        Small               +1                                    Colossal         -8


Stacking Modifiers: AC modifiers of the same type do not stack, except:

                Armor bonuses from armor and shields

                Enhancement bonuses from armor and shields

                Dodge bonuses

                Circumstance bonuses


Condition Summary

Condition              Notes

Ability Drained     At 0 Con a character is death, at 0 Dex a character is paralyzed, at 0 Str a character is

                                helpless, at 0 Int a character is unconscious, at 0 Wis a character is in a deep nightmare

                                filled sleep, at 0 Cha a character is catatonic.

Blinded                  Lose Dex bonus to AC, 50% chance to miss in battle, +2 to be hit by enemies,

                                Move at half speed, -4 on all strength and dexterity based skills.

Confused               See Confusion Table

Cowering               Lose Dex bonus to AC, cannot act, +2 to be hit

Dazed                     Take no actions

Dazzled                  -1 on attack rolls

Deafened               -4 on initiative, 20% spell failure on spells with verbal components

Disabled                Partial actions only, strenuous activity causes 1 hp of damage

Dying                     10% chance to stabilize each round or lose 1 hp

Energy Drained    -1 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level

                                Spellcaster loses 1 spell or spell slot from highest level.  When negative levels equal

                                Character level, the character is dead.

Entangled              -2 on attack rolls, -4 Dex penalty, half speed unless immobilized, Concentration DC=15

                                to cast spells.  Cannot run.

Exhausted              Move at half speed, –6 penalty to Str and Dex, 1 hour of rest to reduce to fatigued

Fatigued                Cannot run or charge, –2 penalty to Str and Dex, 8 hours of rest to overcome.  Other

                                fatigue causing actions make character exhausted.

Flat-footed            Loses Dex bonus to AC

Frightened             Must flee, -2 morale penalty to attack, weapon damage, and saves

Grappled                Lose Dex bonus to AC, cannot cast spells, move, or fire a missile.

Held                        Cannot move, speak, or take physical action. Character is Helpless

Helpless                 +4 to be hit, Dex is treated as if 0 (-5 AC)

Incapacitated        Treat as Helpless

Incorporeal            See Special rules

Invisible                 +2 to hit, Opponents gain no dexterity bonus to AC.

Knocked Down    Knocked prone, flying creatures are hurled back 1d6x10 feet

Nauseated             Unable to attack or cast or concentrate on spells.  Move equivalent actions only

Panicked                -2 morale penalty to save, must flee, 50% to drop items, if cornered treat as cowering

Paralyzed               Cannot move, speak, or take physical action. Character is Helpless

Petrified                 Unconscious and helpless, remains alive provided body remains intact

Pinned                    Held immobile, but not helpless, see grappling

Prone                      -4 penalty on melee and most ranged attack rolls, +4 to be hit in melee, -4 at range

Shaken                   -2 morale penalty on attack, damage, and saving throws

Stable                     see Recovery

Staggered              Partial actions only, subdual damage equals HP

Stunned                 Lose Dex bonus to AC, +2 to be hit by opponents, take no actions

Turned                   Flee for 1 minute or cower if they cannot flee

Unconscious        Knocked out and helpless


Special Rules

Acid: Corrosive acids deal 1d6 damage per round of exposure.  A vial contains a single round exposure.  Emersion in Acid causes 10d6 damage. The fumes of acid are usually inhaled poisons and must make a fortitude save (DC=13) or sustain 1 point of temporary Con loss.  A second save is then required 1 minute later to avoid an additional 1d4 points of temporary Con damage.


Altitude/Low Oxygen: If exposed to a high altitude must make a fortitude save (DC=15, +1 per previous check made), taking 1d6 points of subdual damage each time they fail.  A character that has taken such subdual damage is fatigued and remains so until all subdual damage from this cause is recovered.

                After each six hour period spent at an altitude of 20,000 feet a character must make a fortitude save (DC=15, +1 per previous check) or take one point of temporary damage to all abilities.


Avalanche or Landslide: Those in the bury zone take 8d6 damage, half with a successful reflex save (DC=15), and are automatically pinned.  Those in slide area take 3d6 damage, none with successful reflex save (DC=15). Those that fail are pinned.  Pinned characters take 1d6 subdual damage per minute until unconscious.  Unconscious characters make a 1d20 + Con mod check (DC=15) or take 1d6 normal damage per minute until freed.


Antimagic:  No supernatural or spell-like ability or spell will function in the area.  It does not dispel magic, but all magic in its area is suppressed.  Spells centered outside the Antimagic area function normally there, but arte suppressed in the area.  Spells centered in the anti-magic area are suppressed completely. 

                Suppressed spells return when the anti-magic area is no longer effective, but the time inside the anti-magic zone reduces the duration of the spell. Magical constructs and creatures operate normally inside the area unless summoned.  Summoned and Conjured creatures wink out in an antimagic field and return when the field is gone. 

                Wall of force, prismatic wall, and prismatic sphere are unaffected.  Break enchantment, dispel magic, and greater dispelling have no effect on the field.  Mordenkainen’s disjunction has a 1% chance per caster level of destroying the field.


Blindsight:  Color and contrast vision is impossible.  Creature is not subject to gaze attacks or blinding.  Blindsight works underwater but not in a vacuum.  If Blindsight is based on hearing, then the ability is suppressed by deafness.  This ability easily detects the invisible.


Boiling Water: A splash inflicts 1d6 scalding damage.  Immersion inflicts 10d6 per round.


Catching on Fire: Characters at risk of catching fire are allowed a Reflex saving throw (DC 15) to avoid this fate. If a character’s clothes or hair catch fire, he takes 1d6 points of damage immediately. In each subsequent round, the burning character must make another Reflex saving throw. Failure means he takes another 1d6 points of damage that round. Success means that the fire has gone out. (That is, once he succeeds at his saving throw, he’s no longer on fire.)

                A character on fire may automatically extinguish the flames by jumping into enough water to douse himself. If no body of water is at hand, rolling on the ground or smothering the fire with cloaks or the like permits the character another save with a +4 bonus.

                Those unlucky enough to have their clothes or equipment catch fire must make Reflex saving throws (DC 15) for each item. Flammable items that fail sustain the same amount of damage as the character.


Charms:  A character retains all previous alliances and allegiances, except the subject views the caster as his best friend and ally.  If the new master attempts to make the character do something they would not normally do the character must make an opposed test of Charisma to resist commands. A new save is granted if the character is commanded to do anything to which the character would be violently opposed.  A charm is instantly broken if the charmer or any of his allies attack the charmed character.


Cold:  Subdual damage from cold cannot be recovered until the character warms up. Once rendered unconscious from cold, a character begins taking normal damage at the same rate.

                In very cold conditions (below 40°) the unprotected character makes a fortitude save (DC=15, +1 per previous check) each hour or sustains 1d6 subdual damage.  In extreme cold (Below 0°) the character must save every 10 minutes.  Characters wearing cold weather clothing only need to check once per hour in extreme cold conditions. A character that has suffered subdual damage from cold has suffered frost bite or hypothermia and suffers from fatigue.

                A character that is native to this environmental type gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the fortitude save.  A character native to the opposed environmental type suffers a -2 circumstance penalty to the save.  Characters native to temperate, sub-artic, and sub-tropical environments neither gain a bonus nor suffer a penalty.


Damage Reduction:  At any time that a weapon’s damage is reduced to 0 or below all special effects of that weapon are also negated.  Any creature with damage reduction also ignores damage reduction of a target creature with its natural weapons.  This applies only to natural damage reduction.


Darkvision:   Black and white only, this ability is not spoiled by the presence of light.


Death Attacks:  A person slain by a death attack is instantly slain and cannot be raised by the spell raise dead.


Disease: A character must make a fortitude save to resist getting a disease when exposed to it.  If the save succeeds, the disease has no effect.  If it fails, he takes damage at the end of the incubation period.  Each day a new save is made to avoid further damage.  After two successful saves, the character has recovered and needs to make no more saves.


Drowning: A Character can hold his breath for 2x Con score number of rounds.  Each round thereafter make a d20+Con mod check (DC=10).  Each round increases DC by +1. When character fails this check they begin to drown.  First round they are unconscious (HP=0).  In second round character is at HP:-1 and dying.  On third round character is dead.


Etherealness:  An ethereal creature cannot be sensed by normal senses and completely insubstantial.  They may see and hear into the normal world to a distance of 60 feet, but cannot see or hear through physical barriers.  An ethereal character can move in any direction and is not hindered by material things.  Force effects extend into the ethereal plane.  Thus a wall of force will stop Ethereal intrusion and magic missiles can harm an ethereal creature.


Evasion: Creatures allowed a reflex save to reduce damage take no damage on a successful save.  If the have improved evasion, they take half damage even on a successful save.


Falling: Falling inflicts 1d6 damage for every 10 feet fallen.  The first ten feet are subdual damage.  If the character succeeds at a Jump check 10 feet of the fall are ignored for damage purposes.

                Falling into water is less dangerous.  The first 20 feet do 1d6 subdual damage (1d3 per 10 foot increment) provided the water is at least 20 feet deep.  Thereafter falling damage is calculated normally.

                Objects which fall on people can inflict 1d6 damage per increment of distance they fall based on weight.  See the Damage from falling objects table.


Flash Floods:  All creatures in the area must make fortitude saves (DC=15).  Large size or smaller creatures are swept away and suffer 1d6 subdual damage, 1d3 with a successful swim check.  Huge creatures are knocked down and face potential drowning. Gargantuan and larger creatures are checked and cannot move forward against the current.


Fog:  Fog reduces visibility to 5 feet for all vision, including darkvision.  Creatures within 5 feet have 50% concealment.


Gaseous form: A character in this form cannot run, but can fly.  They cannot pass through solid matter but can penetrate cracks.  Gaseous creatures cannot attack physically or cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, and focus components.  Gaseous creatures have damage resistance of 20/+1.  Such characters cannot benefit from physical armor.  Gaseous creatures do not breathe and are immune to attacks that involve breathing.  They cannot enter water or other liquid.  A Spot check of DC=15 is needed to spot a gaseous creature.  Wind carries the creature along with it.


Gaze Attacks:  Gaze attacks are resolved at the beginning of his turn. A gaze attack can also be focused on a creature forcing a saving throw, even if they have already made a saving throw. Attempting to avert ones eyes gives ½ concealment to the creature with the gaze attack.  It also allows a person a 50% chance of not having to make a save.  Looking at a creature in a mirror does not subject one to a gaze attack.  A creature is immune to its own gaze.  Limited visibility has the same chance to avoid a gaze attack as it does to cause a miss.


Heat:  Subdual damage from heat cannot be recovered until the character cools down. Once rendered unconscious from heat, a character begins taking normal damage at the same rate.

                In very hot conditions (above 90°) the character makes a fortitude save (DC=15, +1 per previous check) each hour or sustains 1d4 subdual damage.  In extreme heat (above 110°) the character must save every 10 minutes.  Characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort have a -4 on these saves. A character that has suffered subdual damage from heat has suffered heat stroke and suffers from fatigue.

                Abysmal heat (above 140°, fire, boiling water, or lava) inflicts normal damage.  Breathing air in these temperatures deals 1d6 damage per minute (with no save).  In addition the character must make the above mentioned save every 5 minutes or sustain 1d4 subdual damage.

                A character that is native to this environmental type gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the fortitude save.  A character native to the opposed environmental type suffers a -2 circumstance penalty to the save. Characters native to temperate, sub-artic, and sub-tropical environments neither gain a bonus nor suffer a penalty.


Ice:  Keeping balance on Ice is a balance check (DC=15) to avoid falling each minute.


Icy Water:  Deals 1d6 subdual damage per minute.


Incorporeal:  An incorporeal creature is immune to all physical attacks save those made by weapons with +1 or better magical enhancement.  They are immune to all non-magical energy forms.  Even if struck by a magical weapon they have a 50% chance of avoiding damage.  Incorporeal beings can move in any direction and ignore all physical barriers.  They are inaudible if they choose to be.  They ignore physical armor unless it is made of force.  They can pass through water as easily as air.


Invisibility:  A character can spot an actively invisible person with a DC=20, but still cannot see the individual and the individual has 100% concealment.  A Listen check can also spot an invisible being if it exceeds the Move Silent check of the individual. A successful check vs. DC=20 is the same as a spot check.  A visible object picked up by an invisible individual remains visible unless hidden under or inside something invisible.  Invisible creatures leave tracks.  Invisible creatures displace water but still benefit from 25% concealment.  A creature with blindfight rolls the miss chance twice and takes the better roll.  Invisible creatures cannot use gaze attacks.


Lava/Magma: Lava deals 2d6 hp of damage per round of exposure.  Emersion inflicts 20d6 damage.  Damage continues for 1d3 rounds after exposure, but continuing damage is only half the damage of exposure (1d6 or 10d6).


Poison: A character who rolls a natural 1 with a poisoned weapon must make a Reflex save DC=15 or is exposed to their own poison.  Creatures with natural poisons are immune to their own poisons.


Polymorph: A creature using the natural ability of polymorph does not suffer disorientation.  A polymorphed creature suffers bane and slaying effects as a creature of its base type, not that of the polymorphed form.


Precipitation: Rain reduces visibility by half and imposes a -4 penalty on Spot and Search checks.  It has the same effect on flames, listen checks and ranged weapon attacks as severe wind.

                Snow reduces visibility as per rain, and affects flames as moderate wind.  On the ground, snow reduces movement by half.

                Sleet has the same effect as rain while falling and snow on the ground.

                Hail reduces listen checks by -4.  Hail has a 5% chance of inflicting 1 point of subdual damage per storm.  On the ground it has the same effect as snow.


Pressure:  Make a fortitude save (DC+15, +1 per previous check) or take 1d6 points of damage per 100 feet below water per minute.


Resistance to Energy:  This form of resistance negates damage, but does not stack with spells.  The resistance resets on the creatures turn.  A reflex save to resist damage still applies.


Scent:  This sensory ability has a range of 30 feet, 60ft if upwind and 15ft if downwind.  Strong scents are detectable at twice ranges, and overwhelming ones at 3 times the range.  The Dc to track a fresh trail is DC=10.  This increases by 2 per hour.


Smoke: Anyone that breathes smoke must make a fortitude check (DC=15, +1 per previous check) or spend that round choking and coughing.  A character that chokes for 2 consecutive rounds takes 1d6 subdual damage.  Smoke also obscures vision giving 50% concealment.


Spell Resistance:  This only affects spells and spell like abilities.  Multiple spell resistance abilities overlap, but do not stack.  Spell resistance does not affect spells that conjure creatures.  Spell resistance is checked only once per spell.


Starvation and Thirst:  A character can go without water for 1 day + 1 hour per Con point.  Make a Con check (DC=10, +1 per previous check) to avoid 1d6 subdual damage every hour.

                A character can go without food for 3 days.  Make a Con check (DC=10, +1 per previous check) each day or take 1d6 subdual damage.

                Characters that have taken subdual damage from thirst or hunger are fatigued and must eat or drink in order to recover damage, even magic is ineffective.


Storms: Storms reduce visibility by three quarters. Spot, search, and listen checks are made at -8.  Ranged weapon attacks are impossible and siege weapons are at -4 to hit.  Unprotected flames are automatically extinguished, and protected ones are extinguished 50% of the time.

                Duststorms are as per normal storms.  Greater duststorms have windstorm magnitude winds and inflict 1d3 subdual damage per round to those without shelter.  These can also suffocate a character.  A character wearing some form of scarf or other protection can last 10 times the Con score in rounds rather than two.

                Thunderstorms unleash 1 thunderbolt per minute for a 1 hour period at the center of the storm.  These bolts inflict from 1d8 to 10d8 damage per strike.  One in ten thunderstorms is accompanied by a tornado.

                Powerful Storms reduce visibility to zero, making search, spot, listen checks, and all ranged attacks are impossible.  Characters in the storm must make a fortitude save (DC=20) or face additional hazards from the wind, cold, and rain.


Suffocating: A character that has no air to breath can hold his breath as per the drowning rules.  If a creature is suffering from slow suffocation, they take 1d6 subdual damage every 15 minutes.


Swimming in Rapids: If a character is swimming in rapid moving water they must make a swimming check (DC=15).  If they fail, they go under.  This water inflicts 1d3 subdual damage per round, 1d6 normal damage if water is moving over rocks and cascades.


Tremorsense: This ability can sense any motion within 60 feet, including spell casting with somatic components.


Wind:  See the wind effects table.  Moderate winds extinguish small, unprotected flames 50% of the time. Strong winds automatically extinguish unprotected flames. Severe winds can extinguish protected flames 50% of the time.  Windstorms extinguish protected flames 75% of the time.  Stronger winds automatically extinguish protected flames. Flying and Airborne creatures are considered one size smaller for wind effects.

                Strong wind gusts impose a -2 penalty to listen checks.  Severe winds impose a -4 penalty to listen checks.  Windstorms produce a -8 penalty to listen checks.  Listen checks are not possible in hurricane force or stronger winds.

                A checked creature is unable to move forward against the wind.  Flying creatures are blown back 1d6x5 feet.  A Knocked down creature is knocked prone.  Flying creatures are blown back 1d6x10 feet. A blown away creature are knocked prone and rolled 1d4x10 feet, sustained 1d4 points of subdual damage per 10 feet. Flying creatures are blown back 2d6x10 feet and sustain 2d6 subdual damage from buffeting.


Combat Underwater:

Combat Adjustments For Water1

Condition                                      slash or         claw or           move                       off

                                                        Bludgeon       tail                                                  balance?

                                                        Attk/dmg.      Attk./dmg.

Freedom of movement effect      Normal           Normal           Normal                   No

Swim speed                                   -2/Half            Normal           Normal                   No

Successful Swim check               -2/Half3           -2/Half            Quarter or half2     No

Firm Footing4                                -2/Half            -2/Half            Half                         No

None of the above                       -2/Half            -2/Half            Quarter or half2     Yes5


                1Water modifiers apply when wading in water at least waist deep, swimming, or walking along the bot­tom of a body of water.

                2The speeds listed are standard for the Swim skill. You can move one quarter your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action. To avoid the off-balance penalty (see note 5), you must make a Swim check (DC 5 + the DC for the water). The effects of a successful check last until your next turn. Making the Swim check is a move-equivalent action.

                3Creatures without freedom of movement effects or swim speeds make grapple checks underwater at a -2 penalty, but they inflict damage normally when grappling.

                4Creatures have firm footing when walking along the bottom, braced against a wall, or the like. You can walk along the bottom only if you carry enough weight to weigh you down. The amount of weight required depends on your size, as follows: Fine 1 lb.; Diminutive 2 lb.; Tiny 4 lb.; Small 8 lb.; Medium­-size 16 lb.; Large 32 lb.; Huge 64 lb.; Gargantuan 128 lb.; Colossal 256 lb. The items you carry to weigh yourself down must be non-bulky and non-buoyant.

                5Off-balance creatures lose Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class, and opponents gain a +2 attack bonus against them.


                Movement and Combat: Land-based creatures can have consid­erable difficulty when trying to fight in the water. Water affects a creature's attack rolls, damage, Armor Class, and movement. In some cases, a creature's opponents might get a bonus to attack the creature. The effects are summa­rized in the Combat Adjustments for Water.

                Fire: Non-magical fire (including alchemist's fire) does not burn underwater.

                Magical Effects: Most spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities work normally underwater. Water does not block line of effect, except where noted below.

                Spells or spell-like effects with the fire descriptor are ineffective underwater unless the caster makes a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level). If successful, the spell creates a bubble of steam instead of its usual fiery effect. Supernatural fire effects are ineffective underwater unless their descriptions state otherwise.

                The surface of a body of water blocks line of effect for any fire spell, regardless of where the spell originates. For example, a fireball cast underwater cannot be targeted at creatures above the surface, nor can an underwater fireball spread above the surface. Invisible creatures displace water and leave a visible bubble, although the crea­ture still has half concealment (20% miss chance).

                Ranged Attacks Underwater: Thrown weapons are ineffective underwater, even when launched from land or the air. Other ranged weapons suffer a -2 attack penalty for each 5 feet of water they pass through in addition to the nor­mal penalties for range.

                Melee Attacks Underwater: Melee attacks also suffer a -2 attack penalty for each 5 feet of water they pass through. Attackers using reach to make melee attacks ignore this penalty if they have freedom of movement effects. Creatures with swim speeds also ignore the penalty for melee attacks.

                Attacks from Land: Attacks tend to be deflected when they pass through the water's surface. Characters swim­ming, floating, or treading water on the surface, or wading in water at least chest deep have one-quarter cover against melee or ranged attacks from land bound (or airborne) oppo­nents.

                Land bound opponents who have freedom of movement effects ignore this cover when making melee attacks. A completely submerged creature (no part of its body sticking above the surface) has one-half cover against attacks from land bound opponents unless those opponents have freedom of movement effects. Magical effects are unaffected, except for fire effects, which follow the rules given above, and effects that require attack rolls, which are treated like any other ranged attack.

                Attacks from Underwater: Ranged attacks from submerged creatures against opponents on land (or in the air) suffer the same penalties. That is, an opponent on land or in the air has one-half cover against attacks from submerged creatures, and such attacks suffer a -2 penalty for every 5 feet of water they pass through. Underwater creatures ignore this penalty when making melee attacks.

                Underwater Visibility: Submerged or swimming creatures can also gain con­cealment from the water, depending on how clear it is.

                Ocean water and water in glacial lakes and spring-fed pools is generally free of heavy silt, algae, or other visual impediments and is fairly clear. Even perfectly clear water obscures vision, even darkvision, beyond 200 feet. Creatures have one-quarter con­cealment at 50 feet (10% miss chance), one-half concealment at 100 feet (20% miss chance), three-quar­ters concealment at 150 feet (30% miss chance), and nine-tenths conceal­ment at 200 feet (40% miss chance). Beyond 200 feet, creatures have total concealment (50% miss chance and opponents cannot use sight to locate the creature).

                Most freshwater lakes and rivers contain moderate amounts of silt, algae, swirling sands, seaweed, or other visual impediments. This turbid water allows less sighting distance, and creatures become completely con­cealed more quickly. The maximum sighting distance in turbid water is 100 feet or less (the more turbid the water, the less sighting distance). At one quarter the sighting distance, creatures have one-quarter conceal­ment. At half the sighting distance, creatures have one-half concealment. At three-quarters of the sighting dis­tance, creatures have three-quarters concealment. At the sighting distance, creatures have nine-tenths conceal­ment. Beyond the sighting distance, creatures have total concealment. Water in swamps, lagoons, and stag­nant ponds might contain excessive amounts of algae, seaweed, mud, or other visual impediments. Such water is so murky that it allows vision to 5 feet or 0 feet.

                Aquatic creatures can see twice as far through the water as other crea­tures (but twice 0 feet is still 0 feet).


The Third Dimension

                Because swimming creatures can move in all three dimensions, it's often neces­sary to measure distances between creatures at different depths, or to adju­dicate movement upward or downward at an angle.

                The Triangulated Distances table shows distances between points at dif­ferent heights; the values have been rounded off to the nearest multiple of 5 for convenience in game play. To use the table, find the horizontal distances between the two points and then the vertical distance between them, the point where the column and the row cross is the actual distance.


Equipment Underwater

                There are a few sundry pieces of equip­ment that can assist characters in their underwater adventures.


Crossbow: Crossbow bolts tend to perform better underwater than other projectiles, and suffer only a -1 penalty to attack rolls for each 5 feet of water they pass through (instead of the usual -2 penalty for 5 feet of water).

                Most crossbows, however, are fitted with winches or levers for cocking and loading, and these mecha­nisms can be difficult to use underwater. If the user does not have firm footing (see the combat section) the user must make a Swim check (DC 5 + the DC for the water) to successfully reload the crossbow. Hand crossbows and special underwater crossbows don't require a Swim check to reload.


Goggles: These crystal lenses set into a leather mask allow for clear vision underwater. They allow non-aquatic crea­tures to see one-and-half times as far as normal underwater (but one and half times o is still o).


Javelins and Similar Weapons: Unlike most other thrown weapons, a javelin is effective when thrown at a submerged target from the land or air. The target of the javelin attack still gains cover from the water, and the attack also suffers the standard -2 penalty for each 5 feet of intervening water. Darts, spears, and tri­dents also share this characteristic.


Short-Hafted Piercing Weapons: Weapons such as the morningstar and the pick, while capable of inflicting piercing damage, impose a -2 attack penalty and inflict only half damage when employed underwater without a freedom of movement effect. Normally, piercing melee weapons do not suffer this penalty.


Underwater Crossbow: Sometimes called a sahuagin crossbow, this mar­tial weapon has an ingenious system of levers and stirrups that make it easy to reload underwater (you can reload it without a Swim check).

                The sahuagin are infamous for their ability with these weapons, and a sahuagin that makes a successful Swim check (DC 5 + the DC for the water) can reload a heavy underwater cross­bow as a move equivalent action; this maneuver is only effective in water at least 3 feet deep.


Underwater Crossbow Bolts: These bolts are specially shaped for underwa­ter use. When fired underwater, these bolts suffer no penalties for the inter­vening water. The underwater bolts are of limited use above water: The cross­bow's range increment is reduced by half, and the bolt can be fired a maxi­mum of 5 range increments.      


Triangulated Distances         (All distances are expressed in feet.)                 

        5      10    15    20    25    30    35    40    45    50    55    60    65    70    75    80    85    90    95    100  105 110  115  120

5      5      10    15    20    25    30    35    40    45    50    55    60    65    70    75    80    85    90    95    100  105  110  115  120

10    10    15    15    20    25    30    35    40    45    50    55    60    65    70    75    80    85    90    95    100  105  110  115  120

15    15    15    20    25    30    35    40    40    45    50    55    60    65    70    75    80    85    90    95    100  105  110  115  120

20    20    20    25    25    30    35    40    45    50    55    60    60    65    70    75    80    85    90    95    100  105  110  115  120

25    25    25    30    30    35    40    45    45    50    55    60    65    70    75    80    85    90    90    95    100  105  110  115  120 30             30            30            30        35    40    40    45    50    55    55    60    65    70    75    80    85    90    95    100  105  110  115  120  125

35    35    35    35    35    40    45    50    50    55    60    65    70    75    75    80    85    90    95    100  105  110  115  120  125

40    40    40    40    45    45    50    50    55    60    60    65    70    75    80    85    90    95    95    100  105  110  115  120  125

45    45    45    45    50    50    55    55    60    65    65    70    75    80    80    85    90    95    100  105  110  115  120  120  125

50    50    50    50    55    55    55    60    65    65    70    75    75    80    85    90    95    100  100  105  110  115  120  125  130

55    55    55    55    60    60    60    65    65    70    75    75    80    85    90    90    95    100  105  110  115  120  120  125  130

60    60    60    60    60    65    65    70    70    75    75    80    85    85    90    95    100  105  105  110  115  120  125  130  135

65    65    65    65    65    70    70    75    75    80    80    85    85    90    95    100  100  105  110  115  120  120  125  130  135

70    70    70    70    70    75    75    75    80    80    85    90    90    95    100  100  105  110  115  115  120  125  130  135  140

75    75    75    75    75    80    80    80    85    85    90    90    95    100  100  105  110  110  115  120  125  130  130  135  140

80    80    80    80    80    85    85    85    90    90    95    95    100  100  105  110  110  115  120  125  125  130  135  140  145

85    85    85    85    85    90    90    90    95    95    100  100  105  105  110  110  115  120  125  125  130  135  140  140  145

90    90    90    90    90    90    95    95    95    100  100  105  105  110  115  115  120  125  125  130  135  135  140  145  150

95    95    95    95    95    95    100  100  100  105  105  110  110  115  115  120  125  125  130  135  135  140  145  150  150

100  100  100  100  100  100  105  105  105  110  110  115  115  120  120  125  125  130  135  135  140  145  150  150  155

105  105  105  105  105  105  110  110  110  115  115  120  120  120  125  130  130  135  135  140  145  145  150  155  160

110  110  110  110  110  110  115  115  115  120  120  120  125  125  130  130  135  140  140  145  150  150  155  160  160

115  115  115  115  115  115  120  120  120  120  125  125  130  130  135  135  140  140  145  150  150  155  160  160  165

120  120  120  120  120  120  125  125  125  125  130  130  135  135  140  140  145  145  150  150  155  160  160  165  170


Injury and Death

                When a character reaches 0 hit point, the character is disabled.  When a character is below 0 hit points, they are dying. When the character reaches a point equal to the negative of their constitution scores, they are dead.

                A disabled character is not unconscious and may make only partial actions.  Any strenuous activity places them at –1 hit point, and they are thereafter considered to be dying.  Strenuous activity includes, attacking, casting a spell, running, or any other activity that requires physical exertion or mental concentration.

                A character who is dying suffers a continual loss of 1 hp per round.  There is a 10% chance per round that the character stabilizes.  A character can also be stabilized by a successful healing check at DC=15.


Massive Damage

                When a medium sized character takes more than 50 points or more from a single attack they have suffered massive damage.  The massive damage amount is reduced by 10 points for each size smaller than medium and increased by 10 points for every size larger. They must make a fortitude save DC=15.  If the save fails you die, regardless of the current hit point total.


Subdual Damage

                Subdual damage is inflicted on a character’s hit points as normal damage.  When a character has suffered Subdual damage it is the same as any other damage.  When a character has reached 0 Hit points, they are staggered.  This happens even if the character has reached 0 hit points with a combination of both subdual and normal damage. A staggered character can only take partial actions each round.  If a character falls below 0 hit points due to subdual damage, they are unconscious.



                A character must make a Fortitude save to resist the initial infection of a disease.  Once per day after infection the character must make a fortitude save to fight off damage.  If he makes two successful saving throws in a row the character has fought off the infection and takes no further damage.

                A character with the heal skill can aid a diseased character.  If the Heal check is higher, the character may use that check in place of the fortitude save.  A character recovers 1 point of damage per day even while suffering from the disease.


Energy Drain

                After 24 hours a character that has negative levels must make a fortitude save.  The save DC is 10+ ½ the HD of the attacking creature + the Cha mod of the attacking creature.  If the save is made, the negative level disappears.  If the save is failed the negative level disappears and loses a character level as well.

                A character that loses a level is considered to be at the midway point of the next lowest level.  If slain by a creature due to having negative levels equal to their character levels, they will rise as a monster the next night.  Unless the monster type specifies that the slain character rises as a specific type, the character rises as a wight.



                Any stabilized dying character that is being tended has a 10% chance of becoming conscious an hour after stabilizing.  The character can check every hour until they succeed.  The character begins healing at the natural rate once they are stabilized.  A character with 1 or more hit points recovers normally.

                Any stabilized dying character that is not being tended has a 10% chance of becoming conscious an hour after stabilizing.  If this check fails, the character losses an additional hit point.  He does not heal at the natural rate.  Each day he has a 10% chance to start healing normally.  If he fails this roll, he loses 1 hit point.

                Any character that is rendered unconscious due to Subdual damage has a 10% chance to wake up each round.  Until the subdual damage is returned to a positive number, the character is considered staggered.


Natural Healing

                A character recovers 1 hp per level plus Con bonus per day of rest.  If the character receives complete bed rest, he recovers 1.5 hit points per level instead of only 1 hp per level.

                Temporary ability damage recovers at a rate of 1 point per day of rest.  Complete bed rest restores 2 points per day.

                Subdual damage is recovered at a rate of 1 hit point per level plus Con bonus every hour.

                A creature with fast healing recovers points at the beginning of each round.  This does not regenerate lost limbs.  Subdual damage is recovered first.

                A creature with regeneration heals as per fast healing, but can also regenerate lost limbs.  All damage inflicted on the individual is considered subdual except for certain attack types such as fire.  The character is immune to kill attacks that are generated by attacks that inflict subdual damage.


Movement and Distance

                Movement and distance are broken down into four categories:  Tactical, local, hourly overland, and daily overland.  Tactical movement is used in combat and represents distance covered in feet per round.  Local distance is for exploring and is represented in feet per minute.  Overland is for long distance travel and is represented as miles per hour or day.

                Additionally a character can express movement as a walk, hustle, or run.  A walk is purposeful but unhurried movement rate.  A hustle is a light jog that is about twice as fast as a walk.  Running is an all out pace that can triple or quadruple walking speed based on encumbrance.

                A character can maintain a run movement for one round per point of constitution.  For each round thereafter, the character must succeed at a Constitution check (DC=10, +1 per previous check) to continue running.  A character that fails this check must stop running and cannot run again for a full minute.

                A character can maintain an Overland walk for about 8 hours without force marching.  A hustle can be maintained for about an hour.  During the second hour of hustling a character takes one point of subdual damage.  Each additional hour adds twice that much damage.  (+2 points in hour three, +4 points in hour four, +8 points in hour five, +16 points in hour six, +32 points in hour seven, and so on.)

                By traveling for more than 8 hours in a day, a character can force march.  For each additional hour the character must make a Constitution check (DC=10, +1 per previous check) or suffer 1d6 subdual damage.  The character can only recover this subdual damage by stopping and resting for at least 4 hours.


Movement, Distance, and Terrain

                        Speed                                                                     Hampered Movement

                        15 ft            20 ft            30 ft            40 ft            Condition          Example                         Penalty

Tactical                                                                                         Obstruction                                              

    Walk           15 ft            20 ft            30 ft            40 ft                Moderate       Undergrowth                x3/4

    Hustle        30 ft            40 ft            60 ft            80 ft                Heavy            Thick Undergrowth     x1/2

    Run (x3)     45 ft            60 ft            90 ft            120 ft          Surface                                                      

    Run (x4)     60 ft            80 ft            120 ft          160 ft              Bad                 Steep slope or mud      x1/4

Local                                                                                                  Very Bad        Deep snow                    x1/4

    Walk           150 ft          200 ft          300 ft          400 ft          Poor visibility   Darkness or Fog           x1/2

    Hustle        300 ft          400 ft          600 ft          800 ft         

    Run (x3)     450 ft          600 ft          900 ft          1200 ft        Terrain and Overland Movement

    Run (x4)     600 ft          800 ft          1200 ft        1600 ft        Terrain              Highway    Road           Trackless

Hourly Overland                                                                          Plains                 x1                x1                x1

    Walk           1 ½ miles    2 miles        3 miles        4 miles        Scrub, Rough    x1                x1                x3/4

    Hustle        3 miles        4 miles        6 miles        8 miles        Forest                 x1                x1                x1/2

    Run             -                   -                   -                   -                   Jungle                x1                x3/4             x1/4

Daily Overland                                                                             Swamp               x1                x3/4             x1/2

    Walk           12 miles      16 miles      24 miles      32 miles      Hills                    x1                x3/4             x1/2

    Hustle        -                   -                   -                   -                   Mountains        x3/4             x1/2             x1/4

    Run             -                   -                   -                   -                   Sandy Desert    x1                -                   x1/2


Monk Speed by Level and Base Speed

                Base Speed

Level      70           60           50           40           30           20           15           10           5

1-2          70            60            50            40            30            20            15            10            5

3-5          90            80            65            50            40            25            20            15            10

6-8          110          100          80            60            50            35            25            20            15

9-11        130          120          95            70            60            40            30            25            20

12-14     150          140          115          80            70            45            35            30            25

15-17     170          160          125          90            80            55            40            35            30

18-20     190          180          140          100          90            60            45            40            35


                If a base speed falls between two numbers use the lower of the two values.  For speeds fo 65 or higher, just round down to the nearest multiple of 10, subtract 60 from the result and an add the difference from the number shown in the 60 column to the result.  The 70 Column is an example.


Overland Movement for Vehicles                        Overland Movement for Mounts

Vehicle                  Per hour        Per day          Speed             100     90       80       70       60       50

Cart or wagon       2 miles            16 miles          Miles/hour    10        9          8          7          6          5

Ship                                                                            Hustle2       20        18        16        14        12        10

    Raft or Barge1   ½ miles           5 miles            Miles/day      80        72        64        56        48        40

    Keelboat1           1 miles            10 miles         

    Rowboat            1 ½ miles        15 miles          Speed             40       30       20       15       10       5

    Sailing Ship       2 miles            48 miles          Miles/hour    4          3          2          1 ½      1          ½

    Warship             2 ½ miles        60 miles              Hustle2       8          6          4          3          2          1

    Longship           3 miles            72 miles          Miles/day      32        24        16        12        8          4

    Galley                 4 miles            96 miles         


                1 These craft add the speed of the current in a river or lake to their downstream speed, but they cannot be rowed or poled against a significant current of any sort.  In addition to being rowed for ten hours, such boats can drift with the current for 14 hours adding to the daily travel distance.

                2 A Mount can be ridden at a hustle or force marched while mounted but all damage sustained is considered to be normal damage.  The mount force marched in this manner automatically fails it Constitution checks.


Movement and Encumbrance:

                Encumbrance is determined by the armor that a character is wearing and the weight the character is carrying.  The armor can encumber a character by its type alone, even if the weight could be easily carried by the character.  The weight carried by the character can also encumber the character, even if the armor they are wearing is non-encumbering.


Armor Qualities

                                        Armor    Max Dex    Check        Spell       Base Speed           Max

Armor                            Bonus    Bonus        Penalty1     Fail1        30 ft        20 ft        Run        Weight2


    Padded                       +1            +8                0                  5%          30 ft        20 ft        x4            10 lbs

    Leather                       +2            +6                0                  10%        30 ft        20 ft        x4            15 lbs

    Studded Leather       +3            +5                -1                 15%        30 ft        20 ft        x4            20 lbs

    Chain Shirt                +4            +4                -2                 20%        30 ft        20 ft        x4            25 lbs


    Hide                            +3            +4                -3                 20%        20 ft        15 ft        x4            25 lbs

    Scale mail                   +4            +3                -4                 25%        20 ft        15 ft        x4            30 lbs

    Chainmail                   +5            +2                -5                 30%        20 ft        15 ft        x4            40 lbs

    Breastplate                +5            +3                -4                 25%        20 ft        15 ft        x4            30 lbs


    Splint mail                  +6            +0                -7                 40%        20 ft        15 ft        x3            45 lbs

    Banded mail              +6            +1                -6                 35%        20 ft        15 ft        x3            35 lbs

    Half-plate                   +7            +0                -7                 40%        20 ft        15 ft        x3            50 lbs

    Full plate                    +8            +1                -6                 35%        20 ft        15 ft        x3            50 lbs


    Buckler                       +1            -                   -1                 +5%        -               -               -               5 lbs

    Small, wood               +1            -                   -1                 +5%        -               -               -               5 lbs

    Small, Steel                +1            -                   -1                 +5%        -               -               -               6 lbs

    Large, wood              +2            -                   -2                 +15%      -               -               -               10 lbs

    Large, Steel               +2            -                   -2                 +15%      -               -               -               15 lbs

    Tower                         3               -                   -10               +50%      -               -               -               45 lbs


                1 For a shield this chance is cumulative with that of any armor worn.

                2 Armor weight is halved for small size characters.  Armor for tiny creatures weighs only one tenth this weight, but it also provides only half the protection.  Weight is doubled for large creatures and multiplied by 5 for huge creatures.

                3 A tower shield provides cover, up to 100%.


Getting Into and Out of Armor

Armor Type                                                                                              Don             Don Hastily   Remove

Padded, Leather, Hide, Studded Leather, or Chain Shirt                   1 minute     5 rounds        1 minute1

Breastplate, Scale mail, Chainmail, Banded mail, or Splint mail         4 minutes1  1 minute         1 minute1

Half-plate or Full plate                                                                             4 minutes2  4 minutes1      1d4+1 minutes1


                1 Time can be reduced to half this with the assistance of another character.

                2 You must have aid to don this armor, otherwise you can only don this armor hastily.


Armor Notes

                A character that is not proficient with a certain sort of armor suffers the check penalty on attack rolls as well as any skills that require movement, such as Ride.

                A character that sleeps in armor with a check penalty of -5 or worse is automatically fatigued the next day.  The character suffers a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity and cannot run or charge.


Carrying Capacity for Medium Size Creatures

            Light                  Medium             Heavy                 Max            Max            Max

Str      Load                   Load                   Load                   Press         Lift             Drag1

1          up to 3 lbs.        4-6 lbs.               7-10 lbs.             10 lbs.         20 lbs.         50 lbs.            

2          up to 6 lbs.        7-13 lbs.             14-20 lbs.           20 lbs.         40 lbs.         100 lbs.          

3          up to 10 lbs.      11-20 lbs.           21-30 lbs.           30 lbs.         60 lbs.         150 lbs.          

4          up to 13 lbs.      14-26 lbs.           27-40 lbs.           40 lbs.         80 lbs.         200 lbs.          

5          up to 16 lbs.      17-33 lbs.           34-50 lbs.           50 lbs.         100 lbs.       250 lbs.          

6          up to 20 lbs.      21-40 lbs.           41-60 lbs.           60 lbs.         120 lbs.       300 lbs.          

7          up to 23 lbs.      24-46 lbs.           47-70 lbs.           70 lbs.         140 lbs.       350 lbs.          

8          up to 26 lbs.      27-53 lbs.           54-80 lbs.           80 lbs.         160 lbs.       400 lbs.          

9          up to 30 lbs.      31-60 lbs.           61-90 lbs.           90 lbs.         180 lbs.       450 lbs.          

10        up to 33 lbs.      34-66 lbs.           67-100 lbs.         100 lbs.       200 lbs.       500 lbs.          

11        up to 38 lbs.      39-76 lbs.           77-115 lbs.         115 lbs.       230 lbs.       575 lbs.          

12        up to 43 lbs.      44-86 lbs.           87-130 lbs.         130 lbs.       260 lbs.       650 lbs.          

13        up to 50 lbs.      51-100 lbs.         101-150 lbs.       150 lbs.       300 lbs.       750 lbs.          

14        up to 58 lbs.      59-116 lbs.         117-175 lbs.       175 lbs.       350 lbs.       875 lbs.          

15        up to 66 lbs.      67-133 lbs.         134-200 lbs.       200 lbs.       400 lbs.       1000 lbs.        

16        up to 76 lbs.      77-153 lbs.         154-230 lbs.       230 lbs.       460 lbs.       1150 lbs.        

17        up to 86 lbs.      87-173 lbs.         174-260 lbs.       260 lbs.       520 lbs.       1300 lbs.        

18        up to 100 lbs.    101-200 lbs.       201-300 lbs.       300 lbs.       600 lbs.       1500 lbs.        

19        up to 116 lbs.    117-233 lbs.       234-350 lbs.       350 lbs.       700 lbs.       1750 lbs.        

20        up to 133 lbs.    134-266 lbs.       267-400 lbs.       400 lbs.       800 lbs.       2000 lbs.        

21        up to 153 lbs.    154-306 lbs.       307-460 lbs.       460 lbs.       920 lbs.       2300 lbs.        

22        up to 173 lbs.    174-346 lbs.       347-520 lbs.       520 lbs.       1040 lbs.     2600 lbs.        

23        up to 200 lbs.    201-400 lbs.       401-600 lbs.       600 lbs.       1200 lbs.     3000 lbs.        

24        up to 233 lbs.    234-466 lbs.       467-700 lbs.       700 lbs.       1400 lbs.     3500 lbs.        

25        up to 266 lbs.    267-533 lbs.       534-800 lbs.       800 lbs.       1600 lbs.     4000 lbs.        

26        up to 306 lbs.    307-613 lbs.       614-920 lbs.       920 lbs.       1840 lbs.     4600 lbs.        

27        up to 346 lbs.    347-693 lbs.       694-1040 lbs.     1040 lbs.     2080 lbs.     5200 lbs.        

28        up to 400 lbs.    401-800 lbs.       801-1200 lbs.     1200 lbs.     2400 lbs.     6000 lbs.        

29        up to 466 lbs.    467-933 lbs.       934-1400 lbs.     1400 lbs.     2800 lbs.     7000 lbs.        


                1 Favorable conditions can double these figures, while bad conditions can halve them.

                A creature’s size affects its carrying capacity as follows: Large (x2), Huge (x4), Gargantuan (x8), Colossal (x16), Small (x3/4) Tiny (x1/2), Diminutive (x1/4), and Fine (x1/8).

                For scores over twenty take the figure for twenty and multiply it by 4 for every ten points higher.  A strength of 35 carries 4 times as much as a strength of 25, while a strength of 45 carries 16 times as much as a strength of 25, and a strength of 55 carries 64 times as much as a strength of 25.


Carrying Loads

                        Max Dex    Check        Speed

Load               Bonus        Penalty      30 ft        20ft         Run

Medium         +3                -3                 20 ft        15 ft        x4

Heavy            +1                -6                 20 ft        15 ft        x3


Alternate Encumbered Speeds

Base Speed           100          90            80            70            60            50            40            15            10            5

Loaded Speed        70            65            60            50            40            35            30            10            5              5


Miscellaneous Charts and Details

Damage Dice by Size      Grapple Unarmed Strike Damage by Size

Weapon Damage                                                              Monk Level

Base Die    New Die         Size                Damage         1-3          4-7          8-11        12-15     16-20

1                  d2                    Fine                0                      1              d2            d3            d4            d6

d2                d3                    Diminutive     1                      d2            d3            d4            d6            d8

d3                d4                    Tiny                1                      d3            d4            d6            d8            d10

d4                d6                    Small               1d2                  d4            d6            d8            d10          1d12

d6                d8                    Medium         1d3                  d6            d8            d10          d12          2d10

d8                2d6                  Large              1d4                  d8            d10          d12          2d8          2d10

d10              2d6                  Huge              1d6                  d10          d12          2d8          2d10        2d12

d12/2d6      2d8                  Gargantuan   1d8                  d12          2d8          2d10        2d12        4d8

2d8              4d6                  Colossal         2d6                  2d8          2d10        2d12        4d8          4d10

4d6              4d8


Undead Trample

Creature Type          Base Trample           Additional                     Additional

                                    Damage                     Fire Damage        Cold Damage

Light Warhorse        1d4                              +2                            +1

Heavy Warhorse      1d10+1                       +3                            +3

Elephant                    2d8+10                       +5                            +9



Grenade-like Weapons

                When a miss occurs with a grenade-like missile roll 1d6 and add one foot for every additional range increment from which it was launched.  Then roll a d8 to determine which direction it falls


d8            Direction

1              Long

2              Long and to the right

3              Right

4              Short and to the right

5              Short

6              Short and to the left

7              Left

8              Long and to the left


Two Weapon Fighting Penalties

        Circumstances                                    Primary     Secondary

                                                                        Hand           Hand

        Normal Penalties                                  -6                 -10

        Ambidexterity feat                               -6                 -6

        Off-hand weapon is light                    -4                 -8

        Two-weapon fighting feat                  -4                 -8

        Ambidexterity feat with                      

                light off-hand weapon                 -4                 -4

        Ambidexterity and Two weapon      

                fighting feats                                -4                 -4

        Two-weapon fighting feat                 

                with light off-hand weapon        -2                 -6

        Ambidexterity and Two weapon      

                fighting feats with                       

                light off-hand weapon                 -2                 -2


Combat Modifiers

Circumstance                              Melee     Ranged

Attacker Flanking Defender       +2            -

Attacker on Higher Ground        +1            +0

Attacker Prone                             -4             -

Attacker Invisible*                      +2            +2

Defender Sitting or Kneeling     +2            -2

Defender Prone                            +4            -4

Defender Stunned, cowering,

        or off-balance*                     +2            +2

Defender Climbing

        (cannot use shield)*            +2            +2

Defender surprised

        or Flat-footed*                     +0            +0

Defender running*                      0              -2

Defender grappling*                   +0            +0**

Defender pinned*                        +4            -4

Helpless defender***                 +4            +0


* Defender gains no Dexterity bonus to AC.

** There is an equal chance to hit either person in a grapple.

*** A helpless defender gains no Dex bonus to AC and suffers a further –5 to AC.


Cover and Concealment Modifiers

Cover or                AC          Reflex    Concealment

Concealment        Bonus    Bonus    Miss Chance

One-quarter           +2            +1            10%

One-half                 +4            +2            20%

Three-Quarters     +7            +3            30%

Nine-Tenths          +10          +4*         40%

Total                       -               -               50%


*Half damage is save is failed, none if made.


Turn and Rebuke Undead

Turn       Undead HD

Check    Affected

Up to 0   Cleric Level -4

1-3           Cleric Level -3

4-6           Cleric Level -2

7-9           Cleric Level -1

10-12       Cleric Level

13-15       Cleric Level +1

16-18       Cleric Level +2

19-21       Cleric Level +3

22+          Cleric Level +4


Flight Maneuverability

                                                Perfect       Good           Average     Poor           Clumsy

Minimum Forward Speed    None          None          Half             Half             Half

Hover                                     Yes             Yes             No               No               No

Fly Backward                        Yes             Yes             No               No               No

Reverse                                  Free            -5ft              -                   -                   -

Turn                                       Any            90º/5ft         45º/5ft         45º/5ft         45º/10ft

Turn in Place                         Any            +90º/-5ft     +45º/-5ft     No               No

Maximum Turn                     Any            Any            90º               45º               45º

Up Angle                               Any            Any            60º               45º               45º

Up Speed                               Full             Half             Half             Half             Half

Down Angle                         Any            Any            Any            45º               45º

Down Speed                         Double       Double       Double       Double       Double

Between Up and Down       0                  0                  5ft               10ft             20ft


                Minimum Forward Speed: This is the minimum speed that must be maintained in order for the creature to remain in flight.  If this is not maintained, the creature falls 150 ft in the first round.  If the creature has sufficient altitude, they may attempt to recover from the stall with a reflex save (DC=20).  The save may be made each round until the creature recovers or hits ground.

                Reverse: A creature with good speed uses up 5 ft of speed in reversing.

                Turn in Place: This is the loss of speed from turning a certain amount.

                Between Up and Down: This is the minimum distance of level flight a flying creature must fly before ascending or descending.


Confusion Table

d10     Result

1          Wander away for 1 minute (10 combat rounds), reroll after 10 rounds

2-6       Do nothing for one round, reroll for next round

7-9       Attack nearest creature for 1 round, reroll for next round

10        Act normally for 1 round, reroll for next round


Wind Effects

Wind              Wind                  Ranged Attacks   Creature   Wind effect           Fort Save

Force              Speed                 Normal/Siege       Size*          on creature           DC

Light               0-10 mph            -/-                            Any            None                      -

Moderate       11-20 mph          -/-                            Any            None                      -

Strong            21-30 mph          -2/-                          T or <         Knocked Down    10

                                                                                    S +              None                      -

Severe            31-50 mph          -4/-                          T or <         Blown Away         15

                                                                                    S                  Knocked Down    -

                                                                                    M                Checked                 -

                                                                                    L+               None                      -

Windstorm    51-74 mph          Impossible/-4        S or <          Blown Away         18

                                                                                    M                Knocked Down    -

                                                                                    L or H         Checked                 -

                                                                                    G +              None                      -

Hurricane       75-174 mph        Impossible/-8        M or <        Blown Away         20

                                                                                    L                  Knocked Down    -

                                                                                    H                 Checked                 -

                                                                                    G +              None                      -

Tornado         175-300 mph      None possible      L or <          Blown Away         30

                                                                                    H                 Knocked Down    -

                                                                                    G +              Checked                 -


Damage from Falling Objects

Object            Damage Caused

Weight          by distance fallen

200-101 lbs.   1d6/20 feet

100-51 lbs.     1d6/30 feet

50-31 lbs.       1d6/40 feet

30-11 lbs.       1d6/50 feet

10-6 lbs.         1d6/60 feet

5-1 lbs.           1d6/70 feet


Light Sources

Object                                    Light          Duration            Spell                                       Light          Duration

Candle                                    5 ft              1 hour                 Continual Flame                   20 ft            Permanent

Lamp, common                     15 ft            6 hrs/pint           Dancing Lights (torches)    20 ft each   1 minute

Lantern, bullseye                 60 ft cone   6 hrs/pint           Daylight                                 60 ft            30 minutes

Lantern, hooded                   30 ft            6 hrs/pint           Light                                       20 ft            10 minutes

Sunrod                                   30 ft            6 hours              

Torch                                     20 ft            1 hour                


Maximum Damage for Arcane Spells                                Maximum Damage for Divine Spells

Spell       Max Damage for Target(s)                                Spell       Max Damage for Target(s)

Level      Single            Multiple                                         Level      Single            Multiple

1st           5 dice              -                                                       1st           1 die                -

2nd         10 dice            5 dice                                              2nd         5 dice              5 dice             

3rd          10 dice            10 dice                                            3rd          10 dice            5 dice             

4th          15 dice            10 dice                                            4th          10 dice            10 dice           

5th          15 dice            15 dice                                            5th          15 dice            10 dice           

6th          20 dice            15 dice                                            6th          15 dice            15 dice           

7th          20 dice            20 dice                                            7th          20 dice            15 dice           

8th          25 dice            20 dice                                            8th          20 dice            20 dice           

9th          25 dice            25 dice                                            9th          25 dice            20 dice           



                                        Typical           Break                        Hit          Climb

Wall Type                     Thickness     DC          Hardness   Points    DC

Masonry                        1 ft                  35            8                  90 hp      15

Superior Masonry        1 ft                  35            8                  90 hp      20

Reinforced Masonry   1 ft                  45            8                  180 hp    15

Hewn Stone                  3 ft                  50            8                  540 hp    22

Unworked Stone          5 ft                  65            8                  900 hp    20

Iron                                 3 in                  30            10                90 hp      25

Paper                              paper thin      1              -                   1 hp        30

Wood                             6 in                  20            5                  60 hp      21



                                    Typical                               Hit          Break DC

Door Type                 Thickness     Hardness   Points    Stuck     Locked

Simple Wooden        1 in                  5                  10 hp      13            15

Good Wooden          1 ½ in             5                  15 hp      16            18

Strong Wooden       2 in                  5                  20 hp      23            25

Stone                          4 in                  8                  60 hp      28            28

Iron                             2 in                  10                60 hp      28            28

Portcullis, wooden   3 in                  5                  30 hp      25            25

Portcullis, iron          2 in                  10                60 hp      25            25

Lock                           -                       15                30 hp

Hinge                         -                       15                30 hp


Size and AC Modifiers                                         Substance Hardness and HP

Size                Example                             AC      Substance     Hardness   Hit Points

Colossal         Broad side of a barn        -8         Paper              0                  2/inch of thickness

Gigantic         Narrow side of a barn      -4         Rope               0                  2/inch of thickness

Huge              Wagon                               -2         Glass              1                  1/inch of thickness

Large              Big Door                            -1         Ice                   0                  3/inch of thickness

Medium         Barrel                                  +0        Wood             5                  10/inch of thickness

Small               Chair                                   +1        Stone              8                  15/inch of thickness

Tiny                Tome                                  +2        Iron                 10                30/inch of thickness

Diminutive     Scroll                                  +4        Mithral           15                30/inch of thickness

Fine                Potion vial                         +8        Adamantite   20                40/inch of thickness


Influencing NPC Attitudes

Initial             New Attitude (DC of Charisma check)

Attitude         Hostile           Unfriendly     Indifferent     Friendly         Helpful

Hostile           < 20                 20                    25                    35                    50

Unfriendly     < 5                   5                      15                    25                    40

Indifferent     -                       < 1                   1                      15                    30

Friendly         -                       -                       < 1                   1                      20




Community   Population         Modifer*          


Family                    5-20             +3 (x1)

Tribe                     21-80             +6 (x2)

Clan                      81-400           +12 (+4)


Thorp                   20-80             -3 (x1)

Hamlet                  81-400           -2 (x1)

Village                401-900           -1 (x1)

Small Town       900-2000         0 (x1)  

Large Town     2001-5000         +3 (x1)               

Small City        5001-12000       +6 (x2)               

Large City      12001-25000       +9 (x3)               

Metropolis    25001+                +12 (x4)             

* Multiplier is number of Personages              


Highest Level Locals

                                                Region Modifier

                                                            Blood                          Nine                Elf       Dwarf

Class              Level              Amisa  Coast   Engid.  Synd.   Kings   Xandar            Lands  Lands  Shires  Xarak              Harmak

Barbarian       1d4 +CM        +0        +8        +0        +0        +0        +0        +1        +2        +0        +4        +0   

Bard                1d6 +CM        +0        +0        +0        +2        +0        +0        +1        +0        +2        +0        +0   

Cleric              1d6 +CM        +0        +0        +2        +4        +1        +2        +0        +1        +0        +0        +0   

Druid              1d6 +CM        +0        +0        +0        +0        +4        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0   

Fighter           1d8 +CM        +1        +4        +0        +0        +4        +0        +0        +3        +0        +3        +0   

Monk             1d4 +CM        +0        +0        +4        +2        +0        +0        +2        +0        +1        +0        +4   

Paladin           1d3 +CM        +0        +0        +0        +0        +2        +3        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0   

Psion              1d4 +CM        +0        +0        +4        +2        +0        +1        +2        +0        +0        +0        +1   

Psy. Warrior  1d4 +CM        +1        +0        +4        +1        +0        +0        +1        +0        +0        +0        +2   

Ranger           1d3 +CM        +0        +1        +0        +0        +1        +0        +1        +0        +0        +0        +0   

Rogue            1d8 +CM        +0        +6        +0        +2        +1        +2        +0        +1        +2        +1        +0   

Sorcerer         1d4 +CM        +0        +0        +4        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +2   

Wizard           1d4 +CM        +0        +0        +6        +0        +0        +0        +3        +0        +0        +0        +3   

Adept             1d6 +CM        +0        +0        +2        +0        +0        +0        +1        +0        +1        +0        +1   

Aristocrat      1d4 +CM        +0        +0        +0        +0        +1        +2        +1        +1        +0        +0        +0   

Commoner     4d4 +CM        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +2        +0        +0   

Expert             3d4 +CM        +0        +0        +0        +2        +0        +1        +2        +3        +1        +0        +4   

Thug              1d6 +CM        +0        +4        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +0        +2        +0   

Warrior          2d4 +CM        +2        +6        +0        +0        +3        +0        +0        +2        +0        +5        +0   

CM= Community Modifier

                        Each individual class means a number of lower levels in each class equal to twice their number at half their level down to first.  A 16th level fighter means two 8th level fighters, four 4th level fighters, eight 2nd level fighters, and sixteen 1st level fighters.  If a level higher than 20 is generated the characters of higher levels are present at 20th level but the cascade numbers follow through from the original.  Example: A level of 22 is generated for warriors in an area.  There are no 22nd level warriors, however, there is a 20th level warrior, two 11th level warriors (instead of 10th level), and so forth.


Experience Point Awards

Party      Challenge rating

Level      CR1        CR2        CR3        CR4        CR5        CR6        CR7        CR8        CR9        CR10

1-3               300          600          900        1350        1800        2700        3600        5400        7200      10800

4                  300          600          800        1200        1600        2400        3200        4800        6400        9600

5                  300          500          750        1000        1500        2250        3000        4500        6000        9000

6                  300          450          600          900        1200        1800        2700        3600        5400        7200

7                  263          394          525          700        1050        1400        2100        3150        4200        6300

8                  200          300          450          600          800        1200        1600        2400        3600        4800

9                  *              225          338          506          675          900        1350        1800        2700        4050

10                *              *              250          375          563          750        1000        1500        2000        3000

11                *              *              *              275          413          619          825        1100        1650        2200

12                *              *              *              *              300          450          675          900        1200        1800

13                *              *              *              *              *              325          488          731          975        1300

14                *              *              *              *              *              *              350          525          788        1050

15                *              *              *              *              *              *              *              375          563          844

16                *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *              400          600

17                *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *              425

18                *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *

19                *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *

20                *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *              *


Party      Challenge rating

Level      CR11     CR12     CR13     CR14     CR15     CR16     CR17     CR18     CR19     CR20

1-3              **           **           **           **           **           **           **           **           **           **

4              12800         **           **           **           **           **           **           **           **           **

5              12000      18000         **           **           **           **           **           **           **           **

6              10800      14400      21600         **           **           **           **           **           **           **

7                8400      12600      16800      25200         **           **           **           **           **           **

8                7200        9600      14400      19200      28800         **           **           **           **           **

9                5400        8100      10800      16200      21600      32400         **           **           **           **

10              4500        6000        9000      12000      18000      24000      36000         **           **           **

11              3300        4950        6600        9900      13200      19800      26400      39600         **           **

12              2400        3600        5400        7200      10800      14400      21600      28800      43200         **

13              1950        2600        3900        5850        7800      11700      15600      23400      31200      46800

14              1400       2100        2800        4200        6300        8400      12600      16800      25200      33600

15              1125        1500        2250        3000        4500        6750        9000      13500      18000      27000

16                900        1200        1600        2400        3200        4800        7200        9600      14400      19200

17                638          956        1275        1700        2550        3400        5100        7650      10200      15300

18                450          675        1013        1350        1800        2700        3600        5400        8100      10800

19                *              475        716          1069        1425        1900        2850        3800        5700        8550

20                *              *              500          750        1000        1500        2000        3000        4000        6000


                Character CR are = Class Level.  NPC Classes count as one level lower than PC Classes.  Monsters with classes are CR + Class level.


Circumstance                          XP Adj.      EL Adj.

Half as Difficult                        x1/2 XP       -2 EL

Significantly less difficult       x2/3 XP       -1 EL

Significantly more difficult     x3/2 XP       +1 EL

Twice as difficult                      x2 XP          +2 EL


Character Wealth by Level

Level          Wealth       Level          Wealth       Level          Wealth       Level          Wealth      

1st                Starting*    6th                  13,000       11th                66,000       16th              260,000      

2nd                      900       7th                  19,000       12th                88,000       17th              340,000      

3rd                    2,700       8th                  27,000       13th              110,000       18th              440,000      

4th                    5,400       9th                  36,000       14th              150,000       19th              580,000      

5th                    9,000       10th                49,000       15th              200,000       20th              760,000      

* See Starting Assests in the Gear Section


Limits on Magic Items Worn

Limit      Location

1              Headband, Hat, or Helmet

1              Pair of Eye Lenses or Goggles

1              Cloak, Cape, or Mantle

1              Amulet, Brooch, Medallion, Necklace, Periapt, or Scarab

1              Suit of Armor

1              Robe

1              Vest, Vestment, or Shirt

1              Pair of Bracers or Bracelets

1              Pair of Gloves or Gauntlets

2              Rings

1              Belt

1              Pair of Boots



Disease                      Infection    DC      Incubation     Damage

Blinding Sickness    Ingested    16        1d3 days        1d4 Str4

Cackle Fever             Inhaled       16        1 day              1d6 Wis

Demon Fever            Injury         18        1 day              1d6 Con2

Devil Chills3              Injury         14        1d4 days        1d4 Str

Filth Fever                 Injury         12        1d3 days        1d3 Dex, 1d3 Con

Mindfire                     Inhaled       12        1 day              1d4 Int

Mummy Rot1             Contact      20        1 day              1d6 Con

Red Ache                  Injury         15        1d3 days        1d6 Str

Shakes                       Contact      13        1 day              1d8 Dex

Slimy Doom               Contact      14        1 day              1d4 Con2


                1  Successful saves do not allow a character to recover, only magical healing can save the character

                2  When damaged, the character must succeed at another saving throw or 1 point of temporary damage becomes permanent instead

                3  The victim must make three successful saves in a row to recover from this disease.

                4  Each time a character takes 2 or more points of damage from this disease he must a fortitude save or be permanently blinded.